Nuss Named Collegiate Beach Volleyball’s Winningest Player


If you are lucky enough to know Kristen, you understand why she deserves this award. An award that she would never ask for, bring up, or be satisfied after receiving it. This girl is a fighter. There is nothing that can stand in her way of achieving her goals. She will out work, out hustle, out achieve the best of them. Whenever she sets her mind to something she will reach her goal. 

You can ask anyone that she has ever been on a team with her. Her previous high school teammate said it best, “we won because Kristen wanted it so bad.” Kristen will do whatever she needs to do for the team to make them better. To push people to their limits. She is so respected that when she opens her mouth, and it doesn’t happen much, everyone that can hear her listens. She is a fierce competitor.

Last year she would offer all the defenders a chance to go work on their explosiveness with her. She would have a set amount of reps for everyone to complete. However, if any of the defenders could beat her then they could be done. This is Kristen Nuss. She will push herself harder than she would push anyone else. She never asks anyone to do something that she wouldn’t do first. 

She is the leader that we don’t deserve. 

By: Taryn Kloth



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